Interaction with Admins

Admins are here to help you, do not argue or provoke them, follow the rules, and when requesting an admin try to explain yourself the best way. Follow what the admin says even if it is not specified in the rules and do not start arguing with them, if an admin breaks a rules or being extremely rude to you, you may report him on the forums. Remember that the admins are administrating to make your experience and play time better, please respect them (as well the other players on the server).

RDM - Random Death Match

Random Death Match, literally means a random attempt to shoot a player or kill. All kills and opening fire(Using your weapon) threats must have a valid role-play reason, not all the valid reasons need to be written down, use your common sense, attempting to kill/damage someone without a valid RP reason will end up in a kick and if the situation is major, a ban(the staff decides the length).

Do not kill people when they leave your property or are not behind the KOS line.

  • For example:
  • If someone attempts to raid you and you kill him, it will NOT count as RDM.
  • If you just walk on the street, pull out your gun and kill someone without a reason at all, it will count as RDM.
  • If you don't like someone or you got killed recently by someone and you go back to him and kill him for revenge, maybe you even broke NLR and it will count as RDM.

RDA - Random Arrest

Random Arrests are just as annoying as anything because Civil Protection is supposed to be protection, not randomly arresting people for no RP reason. You can't go running around with an arrest baton out swinging it and hitting anyone you see or even if you hate someone. You must have a valid reason to arrest someone or else you could get warned, kicked, or banned. Use common sense situations to dipict a right way to arrest someone.

  • For example:
  • If you see someone shoot someone, this will NOT count as RDA.
  • Maybe someone killed you for a valid reason in another life and you go back to arrest them, this WILL count as RDA and possibly NLR.
  • Running up to someone and arresting them for no reason at all, this WILL count as RDA.

NLR - New Life Rule

New life rule, this rule applies to you when you die, and means that you must not come back to the your death point within 3 minutes, or anywhere close to it. You must also forget all role-play related events of your character (for example you and you die, you must 'forget' that).

You can not return to your base if you died defending it from a raid until the raid is over, this includes sniping from a distance or shooting at your base from the outside. You will notice that you are still being raided when people are telling you to go outside, you can see that your stuff is being destroyed or you can use a camera which you must have placed before the raid started.

  • For example:
  • Someone raids you, while you go back to your base he is already gone, however it haven't been 3 minutes yet, you broke NLR.
  • Someone raids you and you die. You have waited 3 minutes and go back to your base. On the way you see the guy who raided you, you pull out your gun and you kill him, you broke NLR.
  • Someone raids you and you die. You have waited 3 minutes and act towards the players who raided you as if nothing has happened, you didn't break NLR.

Meta gaming

Do not metagame, ever!
  • For example:
  • You are not allowed to transfer any information from IC to OOC, or vice versa.
  • You are not allowed to base your actions on non-realistic stuff like seeing something through the wall(Keypad code you got while playing a different job, Name Tags, Drug Lab Tags, etc).

The Basics:

  • 1.a. --- Do not copy someone's name.
  • 2.a. --- NEW You are not allowed to trade in-game items or money for anything unrelated to LuciumRP.
  • 3.a. --- Your name must contain characters type-able by an English keyboard and you can't have a space in between each character of your name.
  • 4.a. --- Only English is allowed in the OOC channel and/or in any OOC situations.
  • 5.a. --- Any form of hacking or scripting (Avoiding AFK Timer, Aimbot,...) will lead to permanent ban.
  • 6.a. --- Always follow Fear RP - the idea that you value your life and must act accordingly in dangerous situations to prevent death.
  • 7.a. --- You may not disrespect or provoke other players even when roleplaying.
  • 8.a. --- No purges, wars or any kind of event which encourages mass killing.
  • 9.a. --- Do not Fail RP.
  • 10.a. - Do not exploit/abuse any bugs or glitches, doing so will result in a punishment (depends on the situation), instead, report them on the forums.
  • 11.a. - Do not build/kill in spawn.
  • 12.a. - Do not prop abuse (this includes surfing, killing, spamming, climbing and blocking or any other type of prop abuse).
  • 13.a. - Do not spam (this includes chat, camera, stunstick, microphone / voice,...)
  • 14.a. - Do not spawn inappropriate structures.
  • 15.a. - You CANNOT sell or giveaway VIP printers, ammo or chargers to other players (they may use your chargers if you are basing together and you may sell the guns).
  • 16.a. - Do not block NPCs around the map.
  • 17.a. - You must advert certain actions; like raiding, mugging, kidnapping, rainding the bank/PD, etc etc.

Hits / Bounties

  • 1.b. --- You must place a hit using /hit if you want someone dead.
  • 2.b. --- Don't place hits on people randomly, you may place hits on the Mayor, SAS Leader, SWAT Leader and the Police Chief randomly though.
  • 3.b. --- Valid reason for a bounty would be when you place a bounty on the person who mugged you, kidnapped you and let you go.
  • 4.b. --- Do not place bounties because you dislike the person or for giving you a warning earlier and keep in mind that there is still NLR, you can't place bounties for situations which happend in your previous life.


  • 1.c. --- You may mug one player per 10 minutes.
  • 2.c. --- You may not mug the same person within 25 minutes.
  • 3.c. --- Maximum mug amount is $1,000! 50$ when mugging hobos with no exceptions.
  • 4.c. --- Only the Gangsters, Mob Boss, and Thieves may mug.
  • 5.c. --- If someone mugs you and you have your back turned to him you CAN'T pull out a gun and kill him, however you can kill a mugger if you already have a weapon out when someone mugs you and you're looking directly at him or with a fair distance between each other.

Hostage ( Kidnapping )

  • 1.d. --- You may kidnap one player per 25 minutes.
  • 2.d. --- You may not kidnap the same person within a hour.
  • 3.d. --- Maximum hostage release fee amount is $15,000!
  • 4.d. --- Only the Kidnapper and Cultists may kidnap.
  • 5.d. --- You may only hold a hostage for 12 minutes.
  • 6.d. --- You must advert kidnap before kidnapping someone.


  • 1.e. --- Don't raid someone if you know there is nothing to gain from it. EG: raiding a public open places.
  • 2.e. --- You may not raid the same person within 25 minutes.
  • 3.e. --- You DO NOT need to advert raids.
  • 4.e. --- Once you're done with the base, leave it. Do not stay in the base for more than 5 minutes.
  • 5.e. --- You aren't allowed to KOS someone for pointing a gun at your base.
  • 6.e. --- Lock picking, keypad cracking and trespassing does make you KOS to the property owner.
  • 7.e. --- A KOS line is not needed at a default rp door but is needed for an entrance that doesn't use a door.


  • 1.f. --- There should always be at least one entrance that is accessible and not blocked to your base.
  • 2.f. --- You may have only 2 fading doors for each entrance of a base (fading door can have up to 2 stacked props linked to the same keypad), it means that if someone will raid you, he must lockpick/keypad crack up to only 2 fading doors (don't make a fading door per room has it is not allowed), you may put one fading door (fading door cannot be stacked) for a printer safe (togglable).
  • 3.f. --- Each base entrance fading door must have one (and only one) keypad on each side of the door.
  • 4.f. --- A keypad must always be visible (no hiding them behind stuff, or making the person to look in a certain angle to see them), the keypad must be seen easily and always near the fading door.
  • 5.f. --- Do not FDA (fading door abuse), it means holding the fading door opened for less then 5 seconds or using hotkeys, All fading doors must have at least 4 seconds delay before they close again!
  • 6.f. --- Do not build base defences in the PD.
  • 7.f. --- Don't extend your base past your RP property, this means you may not build on or above the pavement or road (except for hobos). However there are certain locations where this is allowed.
  • 8.f. --- One way panels are allowed, HOWEVER, you may only shoot through them if both raider and attacker can properly see eachother.
  • 9.f. --- You can't have welded, unfrozen props on any part of your base and also that forces players to push through them to get somewhere or into the base.
  • 10.f. - You cannot use glow effect or glow effect abuse.
  • 11.f. - Between each fading door, there must be a space which can fit a minimum of 2 people.
  • 12.f. - To own a building, you must posses the majority of the RP doors.
  • 13.f. - No fake keypads.
  • 14.f. - No bright colours or plain textures that are painful to the eyes.
  • 15.f. - Shooting windows must be medium in width, and placed that way so both sides can see both parts of each other (you may not make a window where you see my head but I only see your legs). The window must be big enough so that your head and shoulders are visible.
  • 16.f. - You aren't allowed to KOS(Kill On Sight) someone for pointing a gun at your base.
  • 17.f. - Using one way props next to solid props to judge the position of players isn't allowed (example:
  • 18.f. - If you're shooting window has a fading door, it must function the same as normal fading door, minimum close delay - 5 seconds.
  • 19.f. - Only build the KOS line at your rp door/other entrance connected to you house. Don't extend the KOS line to the pavement or road and don't build Large walls outside of your property line (The physical building and any land within a fence/wall).
  • 20.f. - Do not make fake entrances or storage walls (no collided entrances, etc).
  • 21.f. - Both the raider and the defender must be able to deal the same amount of damage to each other at all times, neither should have to crouch.
  • 22.f. - You can only build on certain roofs.
  • 23.f. - No skybasing (no flying platforms and etc, they must be supported by other props/walls).
  • 24.f. - Do not build on the street unless you are a hobo.
  • 25.f. - You may not force anyone to crouch/jump in your base.
  • 26.f. - Lock picking, keypad cracking and trespassing does make you KOS to the property owner. A KOS line is not needed at a default rp door but is needed for an entrance that doesn't use a door.
  • 27.f. - You may not claim multiple room buildings as a single person, you must have a person for each room. You may only claim a building with multiple room if you're a hotel owner.
  • 28.f. - You are not allowed to use advanced duplications which use any of the banned tools ingame (rope, trails,...)
  • 29.f. - You're not allowed mazes in your base what so ever, no windy/turny/long corridors that delays a player to get in the base as well.
  • 30.f. - Trapdoors aren't allowed in your base(You can't have something that makes players get trapped or fall in your base as it makes the base very difficult to raid).
  • 31.f. - If a base has the potential to break one of these rules then it still counts, no work around!
  • 32.f. - Your illegal items can't be visible to anyone who's not fully inside of the base (if you can see the illegal possesions without lockpicking or keypad cracking a fading door).
  • 33.f. - You cannot shoot through non-transparent materials, multiple layers of a blurred material which makes it impossible to see through or material models/shadertest/shader3. The person you are shooting at should be able to properly see you at all times.
  • 34.f. - You may not defend your base purely with grenades as this makes it impossible to get raided.

Job Rules


  • - No random lockdowns, (you must give a reason) random lockdowns will result in a permanent job ban.
  • - You can not raid, ask for taxes or be corrupt.
  • - Your job is to control the city, you may put new laws that DO NOT go against any rules.
  • - You may buy a house and go there with your secret service (you can't build defences).
  • - Lock downs may last no longer than 15 minutes! Do not spam lock down every time you have the option to!
  • - You may only own a handgun for self defence, you are important, its failrp to put yourself in dangerous situations.
  • - You may legally print money in a bank.


  • - You may own a house without defences.
  • - You can only use hand guns(pistols) for self defence - (unless you are the owner of a legit RP Business).
  • - You may not raid or base with bad guys / criminals.
  • - You may legally print money ONLY in the bank.


  • - You may not raid, print or own a house.
  • - You may build a structures around the same size as this (Plate 6x6). You are allowed to build anything you want as long as it's not without admins permissions, hanging against a building, floating in the sky or contain any unfrozen props such as a working cannon.
  • - You may ask people for money.
  • - You may throw bug baits at people, but don't abuse bug bait singing and throwing (don't spam it).
  • - You are allowed to use a single (not stacked) fading door to defend your donation box...
  • - You may not own a gun bigger than a pistol.
  • - Do not throw boots at people only near them as it might consider RDM (that's if you hit them). But you can if they're attacking you.

Security Guard

  • - You may not raid.
  • - You are not a part of the official police.
  • - You are not a criminal.
  • - You are here to protect other homes, legal businesses, or people for a fee.
  • - You may not base alone.
  • - You can print so long as your employer approves.

Gun Dealer

  • - You may not raid.
  • - You may use printers.
  • - You are not a criminal.
  • - You sell weaponry to people for a fee.
  • - You may self-supply, but only one gun per life, not whole shipments.
  • - You must have a shop or you will be demoted.